Ο αρσενικος αυτος σκυλος, βρισκεται στον κεντρικό δρόμο προχωματος-αγιονεριου,κάτω
Θα δωθει με συμβολαιο υιοθεσιας, και με με προυποθεση την στειρωση.
ιωαννα-6975858553 , Ζωή 697489203
This male dog, finds itself in the central street of Prohoma-Agioneri, under
the payphone… permanently! He is friendly and a very good protector, as he up to now,protects a female and her puppies…He will be given with contract of adoption, and with the promise of neutralsation..
Ioanna-6975858553, Zoe 697489203